Before you read this blog post, I recommend you take a look at this:
Now, if upon clicking that link you simply thought 'So what?' I recommend that you stop reading now.
I came to knowledge of this application, after it was mentioned on Twitter by actor Nicholas Pegg and my opinion somewhat replicates his.
I haven't come across Exodus International before, for which I'm very grateful, although I was aware that groups such as it would exist. However, it is not Exodus International that I am pinpointing today, but Apple, Inc.
The fact that Apple Inc, a well acclaimed and incredibly successful corporation, have approved an application which openly promotes homophobia is frankly, disgusting. Exodus International shouldn't even exist in the first place, and the fact that Apple have approved an application supporting this really loses me a lot of support for the corporation.
As anyone should know, homosexuality for one is not a disease, thus it has no need to be 'curable'. People are either born gay or 'become' gay depending on whether you believe the nature or nurture side of the debate... Or, hang on, they 'catch' homosexuality, like a disease it's passed from one person to another and can only be cured... with help from an iPhone app!
Personally I am unaware how the process of approving an application works at Apple, other than the fact that the application is analysed and tested for reliability, but the site likewise claims that the Exodus International application has been 'tested' and not only that has been rated 4 stars! Brilliant guys, this application is 80% likely to help anyone anyone you know on the path of curing homosexuality!
I think one can tell from the sarcasm in this blog post how preposterous I find the idea of an application based around Exodus International; and I sincerely hope that Apple will rethink what they're approving in what is now the 21st century (As if they need a reminder).
It just has to be a working app, the actual content isn't allowed be censored because of the right to free speech... which is weird, I know.