Now, as many of you will know I have my GCSE's coming up. In fact my first GCSE Exam this summer will either be the 3rd or 5th of May: French Speaking. Although I'm far from unintelligent I'm not the cleverest person in the world, and one thing I'm not is one of those people who just remembers everything and has no need to revise. You may have noticed how over the past week or so I have been online quite a bit less and as of tomorrow, I am attempting to stick to a busy revision schedule, the first 2 weeks look a bit like this:

Unfortunately for you guys this won't be the end of me as I have twitter on my phone, thus I'll still tweet a bit when I'm out (if I'm ever out!) and also when watching TV, although I won't be able to reply to many @ replies until I come online during a break. Even then, I won't have much time to talk. I'll miss you all incredibly because all of you have become like a special family to me.
A few special mentions:
Eva - I haven't talked to you that much recently and I think that's a lot down to my lack of being online recently however I intend to make all the time that we'll lose over my exams up to you after exams are over! I'll miss talking to you tons but look out for the next section (facebook). My msn name is going to be fixed on 186 days now, so it'll seem like ages whenever you see my offline msn name, but it's gonna speed up after exams! :D
Claire - I'll miss you too! I'll be able to text you from time to time though, it may take me ages to reply and I may forget but I'll do my best. Happy just over 2 months btw!
Grekky - Hello you, we haven't talked in like... forever either, have a great next few months and make sure you and Carmel don't get married without me!
Suzanne - I love our evil John and Desperate Housewives conversations and will miss those tons, I'll definitely be logging in from time to time or tweeting from my phone just to *squee* at John in Desperate Housewives! Thanks for being lovely. :)
Hayz - Hope you have a great next few months, will miss you and your 'RIKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK''s!
Jen and Shannen - I swear I haven't talked to either of you in absolutely ages! Have fun at the Hub 4 which I believe is very soon and make sure you let Kai and Gareth know how much I love them. :D :p
Juebejue - If you ever read this (which I doubt) I'll miss your wallies! Will definitely have to log in from time to time just to see them. :D
James - No idea if you'll read this either but have a great few months and thanks for hating Hayley! I needed someone to hate her with xD
Everyone else - Cop out I know, but to everyone else such as Nic, Anna and every other lovely person I've met on twitter: Hope you have a brilliant few months and I look forward to my occasional trips online to speak to you all :)
You'll be glad to know this section won't consist of memo's! Just wanted to let you all know that if you want to contact me, aside from texting, facebook is probably your best bet, drop me a wall post or facebook message whenever you like and in my breaks I'll always check. I would actually really appreciate it if people did drop me messages because the next few months are going to be very depressing and I'm not really going to do much socialising so it'd be lovely to log on once a while and be able to talk to people. :')
Forum-wise I will still be vaguely active, especially those I'm a moderator on, so you still might see me around there. Also Mikah, if you're reading this: sorry that my blog won't be updated very often! But I think I've done alright so far, would you think so? As soon as my exams are over I should have tons of time to update. =]
Congratulations if you've managed to read all this! Hope everyone has great few months whilst I'm slaving away at all that revision (yay!). Please let me know if you have read this just so I'm aware that you know where I've disappeared to! Good bye! :)
Damn, I was just getting ready to kick your ass for not updating it much... But seeing as you gave me a special mention, which makes me feel good about myself, I'll let you off (:
ReplyDeleteAnd OUCH! You're gonna be a busy little bee for a while, aren't you? Well, make sure you do update your blog, it's actually very good, you have come a long way (:
Stay well <3
ReplyDeleteYema you're making me feel guilty :P i haven't even started revising yet :P
Well done ^^ i'm proud of you :)
Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Damn, I havent started yet either... Haha!
ReplyDeleteOuch, that first one looks so intense. Make sure you have time to relax, and don't kill yourself working. You can overwork as easy as underworking.