When this song starts, it always reminds me of another song of John's: It Only Takes A Moment, so as soon as he starts singing, it always momentarily confuses me, however I love what the song is about. It suits him completely and it really does stand out as the kind of song that would be perfect for a younger John. I love the energy that builds up through the song and feel somewhat like he should be skipping along as he sings... just me? Yeah, I thought so. "This boy was born to strut the stage" is a very typical John line, especially the way he says 'strut' if you ask me. xD
Track Two: One Night Only (Dreamgirls):
I do like the instrumental start to this song although the beginning in general doesn't hook me, even when it gets to the chorus. Probably one of my least favourite songs in the album, however it gets a lot better later on in the song, when John starts singing "You want all my love, and my devotion" and the song completely picks up! I feel myself singing along a lot more when the song picks up!
Track Three: CopaCabana (Copacabana):
I have listened to this song the most out all the songs on this album... Okay, so maybe that's because I got hold of it first and spent ages putting a youtube video to it (which you should watch! Go watch! I've even attached it to this blog post so you have no excuse!).
But it's also partly because it's an amazing song! And as John himself says "Who wouldn't want to hear a song about a showgirl called Lola!?" Like Barry, John puts a lot of energy into this song yet still manages to make the song his own and I absolutely love the line "There was blood and a single gunshot, but just who shot who!?", very glad John does that line properly. Fantastic song. :D
Track Four: I Won't Send Roses (Mack and Mabel)
It's funny, because I know this song is dedicated to Scott, I can't listen to it without thinking of how it's dedicated to Scott, same with 'You Don't Have To Say You Love Me' from the last album! Again, it's not my favourite song ever but it's certainly not bad and John certainly sings it with emotion (something he's good at!). The last note is beautiful. :)
Track Five: Memory (Cats):
Firstly, I love the way this piece starts, musically. I've seen the Musical myself (In Oxford!) and didn't think much of it, however I don't really remember it that well seeing as I saw it many many years ago. This song, though, is certainly a gem and in my opinion, John does a very good cover. His voice suits it surprisingly well and he definitely does such a good song (from a pretty bad musical :p) justice. "When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too" has to be my favourite line and I love the way John suddenly picks it up on "And a new day will begin" soon after. Followed by the last chorus where he truly puts his everything into it. The music in the background throughout is beautiful, I really quite love this song! :)
Track Six: The Kid Inside (Is There Life After High School?):
This song is very John, and reminds me of a lot of my friends also actually. I like the meaning behind this song and John sings it well; it suits him also. I reckon this song will sum me up when I'm older. The chorus is definitely my favourite part of this song and I can just picture mini John beckoning the older John to his own secret garden as such (weird, I know).
Track Seven: My Eyes Adored You (Jersey Boys):
Now, I'd never seen or heard any tracks from Jersey Boys before now but the two that are on this album are amazing! I love them both. When I listen to this song, sadly enough, I like to think John's singing to Scott about when he first met him, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case! The song starts off quite gently, one thing I do like about this song is the lyrics.
Track Eight: Don't Cry Out Loud (The Boy From Oz):
When I first heard this song, I'll admit I didn't like it much "Baby cried the day the circus came to town" kind of put me off. This song always reminds me of Effy from Skins "She didn't want parades just passing by" (series four). However, after a bit this song began to grow on me. It's very calm and quite subtle, but overall very beautiful. The song also gets a hell of a lot better when John really goes for it (I'm sensing a pattern in my reviews here!). Not my favourite on the album but a good song nonetheless and it has a circular structure. xD
Track Nine: So Close (Enchanted) Duet With Jodie Prenger:
Now, I admit when I first heard this song I did not like it one bit. I first heard it on Elaine Page and tuned in half way through the song, after the show I went back to listen to CopaCabana again and again but didn't even touch So Close. I was disappointed because with two amazing singers singing such a brilliant song I expected a lot more. However, when the album came out I re-listened to it again and again and realised that I actually quite like it. I still stand by what I said about it not being as good as Daniel Boys' version (which is incredible, listen to it), yet it has definitely grown on me and I think I would love to hear it live. Jodie starts off well, as does John, although in general I don't think the song really suits Jodie's voice; she always just seems like a Nancy to me!
Track Ten: Unusual Way (Nine):
Now this is probably my least favourite song on the album. Not because John doesn't smash it, considering people had doubts of him doing it he managed it incredibly well; I'm just not too keen on the song itself. Still, John manages to make it sound good and the end is amazing. :')
Track Eleven: You'll Never Walk Alone (Carousel):
When Eva and I listened to the clip of this song on Amazon I remember we were both getting the goosebumps and thankfully the rest of the song lived up to my expectations. John sings this song so well and you can really feel the emotion that he was feeling, brilliant.
Track Twelve: The Winner Takes It All (Mamma Mia):
As soon as I heard this song was on the album I knew I was going to love it. I've no idea what the original sounds like (although I know I must have heard it before) however, I adore McFly's version and if I like McFly's version I am sure to LOVE John's! Thankfully John didn't let me down, his version is incredible! When I first listened to it and it got to about half way I was hoping so much that he would completely go for it at the end Chorus and he really did, fantastic fantastic fantastic! This song honestly gives me the butterflies (for some strange reason), John's emotion in it is brilliant. I can find no faults, except perhaps the fact that he really does look quite a bit too much like Hugh Grant in the video ;) The Winner Takes It All is also my new ringtone. :D
Track Thirteen: Oh What A Night (Jersey Boys):
I absolutely adore this song, although it always makes me unknowingly figure out that actually John can't be singing about a night from '63 seeing as he was yet to be born then. :p I love the energy in this song, and like The Winner Takes It All, it is also my ringtone (I have two :D). There's a small part just before he gets to the chorus where he says the line "Yeah, my...", well apparently it's "And I..." which sounds a lot like "Yeah, my", and every-time my heart jumps because I think he's singing "Yema" just like "my" rather than "Ma" (listen and you might see what I mean)! I can just imagine John singing this song on tour, the energy suits him brilliantly. Fantastic song. :D
iTunes Exclusive: The Doctor and I
Ahh, how could I not love this song? It was a really lovely idea for John to do and I actually much prefer it to the original! I can't listen to 'The Wizard and I' without singing the lyrics to 'The Doctor and I' instead. The song is obviously written from a mix of Jack and John's perspectives of the Doctor, "As part of tv's favourite team" and I think that really works, his admiration really shines through. It is a teensy bit Doctor/Jack and I bet John saw that but none of us are complaining about that. :')
Album Rating: 9/10
Now I want to download the album... Dammit... Keep posting, thanks for the awesome review!