Wow, 10/10 for originality in that title name.
Ah well.
In the midst of my Biology revision I thought I'd return to my blog briefly (or not so briefly as the case might be) to talk about my last few days in Compulsory Education. Okay, so this is partly a place to ramble and dump a load of photos from my last few days...
Anyhow, I'm going to try and include photos of me with all of my friends, so there will be a lot of photos... because I have a lot of friends obv :D *
* I joke, I joke.
So the school week started on a Monday, which was a pretty normal day and then Tuesday came around! Tuesday was the day we first started to take photos, technically we weren't supposed to have cameras in school until Friday but meh!
So first off here's a picture of myself and my best friend, Charis. :)
(Any pictures where uniform is involved will have been from Tuesday-Thursday. Non School Uniform is Friday alone).
Here's me and my favourite blonde girl, Natalie :D
And now here is myself and my dear friend, Katie who is leaving this year to go to college! Fortunately, the college is practically next door to me! :)
Now on the right there's a picture of me and another one of my best friends, Henna, I love her to bits and she's going away to Kendrick - the local all girls grammar school :( Pfft, clever people.
And on the left is myself and my sporty friend, Danielle. I love Dani because she's always smiling madly, just like in that picture! :)
Next is a photo of myself and Chloe who you may recognise as being @Chloechloe on twitter, if you're not following her already go follow her and encourage her to tweet more, dammit! We're both complete History geeks so really, this photo is /very/ appropriate for the two of us!
After that I have a photo from today of myself and the guy I've sat with in tutor for the past five years, he's absolutely lovely and we're both very quiet also :p (this was from today - I love his glasses!).
Finally, from the photos of me and one other is myself and Mav. Throughout GCSE we've been in different Drama groups and performed different pieces and in every single piece myself and Mav have been put together. :p
Next up are group photos. Firstly a photo of all my friends from my tutor group
Rea and Henna! :)
And here's the whole of my tutor group of whom I've had since Year 7! Alongside our tutor who we had from Year 7-Year 10 and our tutor who we had from Year 10-11. :)
Next up are going to be class photos! Excitement, ay?
I haven't a picture of every class so don't fear, and in fact I'll only post my two best classes! Aka History and English.
History (Action shot here!):And my English Class. At the moment this is my desktop background because I absolutely love how everyone is smiling. Unfortunately, I didn't get the one with my English teacher in it.
One last photo, this one is of some of my best friends and aka our back row in maths. :D
Hope you've ever so slightly enjoyed reading my rambling blog post about my last few days in Year 11 and Compulsory Education and I'll see you all after my exams. First one's a week today: Biology. Wish me luck!